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Is there an Gurobi Optimization outage?

Gurobi Optimization status: Systems Active

Last checked: 3 minutes ago

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Gurobi Optimization outages and incidents

Outage and incident data over the last 30 days for Gurobi Optimization.

There have been 1 outages or incidents for Gurobi Optimization in the last 30 days.

Severity Breakdown:

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Components and Services Monitored for Gurobi Optimization

Outlogger tracks the status of these components for Xero:

Gurobi Cloud Billing Active
Gurobi User Portal Active
Gurobi Website Active
Instant Cloud Manager - Global Active
Instant Cloud Provisioning - Global Active
Web License Service - Global Active
Gurobi AWS ap-northeast-1 Active
Gurobi AWS ap-southeast-2 Active
Gurobi AWS eu-central-1 Active
Gurobi AWS us-east-1 Active
Gurobi AWS us-west-1 Active
Gurobi Azure eastus Active
Gurobi Azure westeurope Active
Gurobi Azure westus2 Active
Component Status
Gurobi Cloud Billing Active
Gurobi User Portal Active
Gurobi Website Active
Instant Cloud Manager - Global Active
Instant Cloud Provisioning - Global Active
Web License Service - Global Active
Gurobi AWS ap-northeast-1 Active
Gurobi AWS ap-southeast-2 Active
Gurobi AWS eu-central-1 Active
Gurobi AWS us-east-1 Active
Gurobi AWS us-west-1 Active
Gurobi Azure eastus Active
Gurobi Azure westeurope Active
Gurobi Azure westus2 Active

Latest Gurobi Optimization outages and incidents.

View the latest incidents for Gurobi Optimization and check for official updates:


  • Time: Sept. 27, 2024, 1:46 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: The login issue on our User Portal ( has been resolved. You should now be able to access the User Portal without any issues. Thank you for your patience!
  • Time: Sept. 27, 2024, 10:29 a.m.
    Status: Investigating
    Update: We are currently investigating a login issue on our User Portal We will update you as soon as we have identified the issue or can provide a workaround. Please excuse the inconvenience!


  • Time: Aug. 19, 2024, 4:29 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: This incident has been resolved.
  • Time: Aug. 19, 2024, 2:41 p.m.
    Status: Investigating
    Update: We are aware of an outage affecting the Gurobi Downloader, Uploader, Checksum and Navigator and are working on bringing them back online.


  • Time: June 21, 2024, 12:42 a.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: This incident has been resolved.
  • Time: June 20, 2024, 6:11 p.m.
    Status: Monitoring
    Update: The issue has been resolved, and we are actively monitoring the systems to ensure stability.
  • Time: June 20, 2024, 3:32 p.m.
    Status: Investigating
    Update: We have found that this is an error on Azure itself and we are not able to fix this from our side. Please avoid using Azure machines in region eastus for now. We will update this page as soon as we know more.
  • Time: June 20, 2024, 9:58 a.m.
    Status: Investigating
    Update: It is currently not possible to start machines in pools that are configured to run in the US Azure region eastus. Please use the Azure westeurope region or AWS machines until we have figured out the issue.


  • Time: June 17, 2024, 1:53 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: File Uploaders Now Operational. We are pleased to announce that the issues affecting our file uploading services, including the 'File Upload via Web' at, have been resolved. All systems are now operational, and users should be able to upload files without any issues.
  • Time: June 17, 2024, 1:25 p.m.
    Status: Investigating
    Update: We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our file uploading services, including the 'File Upload via Web' at Users may find these services unreachable and may encounter errors when attempting to upload files. Our team is actively investigating the issue to resolve it as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience during this time.


  • Time: May 12, 2024, 4:38 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: We are experiencing with the Gurobi website and are actively working to resolve it.

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Issues Detected

Frequently Asked Questions - Gurobi Optimization

Is there a Gurobi Optimization outage?
The current status of Gurobi Optimization is: Systems Active
Where can I find the official status page of Gurobi Optimization?
The official status page for Gurobi Optimization is here
How can I get notified if Gurobi Optimization is down or experiencing an outage?
To get notified of any status changes to Gurobi Optimization, simply sign up to OutLogger's free monitoring service. OutLogger checks the official status of Gurobi Optimization every few minutes and will notify you of any changes. You can veiw the status of all your cloud vendors in one dashboard. Sign up here
What does Gurobi Optimization do?
Gurobi's Decision Intelligence service combines machine learning and optimization to help Data Scientists, Operations Researchers, Business Leaders, Academics, Consultants, and ISVs make optimized decisions.