Is there an Intuiface outage?

Intuiface status: Systems Active

Last checked: a minute ago

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Intuiface outages and incidents

Outage and incident data over the last 30 days for Intuiface.

There have been 0 outages or incidents for Intuiface in the last 30 days.

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Components and Services Monitored for Intuiface

Outlogger tracks the status of these components for Xero:

API Explorer Active
Management Console Active
Web Triggers Active
Charts & Dashboards Active
Data Processing Active
Headless CMS Base Servers Active
Headless CMS Media Repository Active
Headless CMS Web UI Active
System Information - GeoIP Active
Weather Active
Component Status
API Explorer Active
Management Console Active
Web Triggers Active
Charts & Dashboards Active
Data Processing Active
Headless CMS Base Servers Active
Headless CMS Media Repository Active
Headless CMS Web UI Active
System Information - GeoIP Active
Weather Active

Latest Intuiface outages and incidents.

View the latest incidents for Intuiface and check for official updates:


  • Time: June 29, 2023, 3:30 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: We have identified the cause of this issue and the accounts affected. (This issue only affects 2% of all Intuiface accounts globally.) We will shortly be contacting each affected account with further information.
  • Time: June 29, 2023, 2:57 p.m.
    Status: Investigating
    Update: Experiences published to the Intuiface Cloud and stored in Intuiface’s Ireland-based Amazon AWS bucket are currently inaccessible for download or for remote deployment. This outage primarily affects the accounts of Intuiface users located in the UK and Ireland. (Intuiface automatically stores published experiences in the Amazon AWS bucket closest, geographically, to the location of the associated Intuiface account.) We are actively investigating the issue.


  • Time: June 13, 2023, 9:52 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: This incident has been resolved.
  • Time: June 13, 2023, 7:44 p.m.
    Status: Identified
    Update: Amazon AWS has experienced a variety of service failures: These issues are preventing global access and use of Headless CMS. It appears the problems started around 3:08pm New York. Amazon's latest post states they've identified the cause and are working on a resolution. No timeline has been shared.


  • Time: Nov. 22, 2022, 1:55 p.m.
    Status: Postmortem
    Update: The operating system for our AWS-based production servers was upgraded unexpectedly at 1am CET on 28-Oct, triggering a reboot of the servers hosting the []( web server. Communication between the []( web server and the AWS load balancer failed to work following the reboot due to a faulty web server configuration, causing the general unavailability of all []( services, including new license activation, access to all dashboards, license purchases, etc. We identified the issue \(bad server configuration\), and its fix was applied at 8:30am CET. Our server upgrade procedure is under review and will be enhanced to prevent unexpected production server upgrades and configuration issues.
  • Time: Oct. 28, 2022, 8:10 a.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: The issue is fixed. A postmortem analysis will be published next week
  • Time: Oct. 28, 2022, 7:14 a.m.
    Status: Monitoring
    Update: The issue was fixed. We are still monitoring the server to ensure everything is working properly.
  • Time: Oct. 28, 2022, 6:08 a.m.
    Status: Identified
    Update: The cause has been identified. We are working an a fix.
  • Time: Oct. 28, 2022, 4:37 a.m.
    Status: Investigating
    Update: We are experiencing a server issue affecting (My Intuiface). All product authentication attempts will fail, and all services hosted on the My Intuiface website are inaccessible. We will post an update once we have additional information or progress to share.


  • Time: Sept. 9, 2022, 6:47 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: This incident has been resolved.
  • Time: Sept. 9, 2022, 6:15 p.m.
    Status: Monitoring
    Update: The issue seems solved on AWS side. We are continuing our monitoring of HCMS.
  • Time: Sept. 9, 2022, 5:46 p.m.
    Status: Identified
    Update: Due to AWS issues in N-Virginia, we are currently experiencing degraded H-CMS service. Both the H-CMS application (used to edit the bases) and the download of bases by Players are impacted. We are awaiting news from AWS: and will keep you informed.


  • Time: June 20, 2022, 2:51 p.m.
    Status: Postmortem
    Update: **What happened** At 5:30am UTC on 14-June, we initiated a [planned maintenance operation]( At the end of the maintenance operation, we observed a significant increase in CPU usage for the Intuiface user database, triggering a high latency for []( access and license activation. Eventually, the database CPU usage went to 100%, preventing both access to []( and license activation of Players and Composers. \(Already running Players were not impacted due to an efficient fallback mechanism.\) During the incident, several attempts to identify and fix the issues were made, without definitive success, leading to rollback of the maintenance update. **How do we plan to remediate such incident in the future?** We are actively working on enhancing our performance testing tools and procedures, particularly those for environments simulating near-real-life licenses checks and license activations on a pre-production servers. We are also improving our incident management process for long lasting incidents so that rollbacks are triggered earlier during the incident, typically after one hour duration, thus reducing their negative impact.
  • Time: June 14, 2022, 1:17 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: The incident is closed. Our users will get a post-mortem email in the coming days detailing this event, causes and what we are putting in place to prevent another occurrence.
  • Time: June 14, 2022, 11:34 a.m.
    Status: Monitoring
    Update: We decided to perform a rollback to the version prior to our 7:30am CET database migration. Everything appears back to normal now.
  • Time: June 14, 2022, 11:08 a.m.
    Status: Identified
    Update:, including license activation, is currently experiencing performance issues that are preventing authentication on Players already activated are not impacted by the issue but Composers using “release license on exit” are and cannot get a new license. We are currently working on fix and will continue to inform you about the progress in 30’.
  • Time: June 14, 2022, 10 a.m.
    Status: Identified
    Update:, including license activation, is currently experiencing performance issues that may also prevent authentication on We have found the root cause and are currently testing a fix. We continue to expect the fix to be deployed within the next hour. We will continue to inform you about progress in 30’.
  • Time: June 14, 2022, 9:27 a.m.
    Status: Identified
    Update:, including license activation, is currently experiencing performance issues that may also prevent authentication on We have found the root cause and are currently testing a fix. We are expecting the fix to be deployed within the next hour. We will inform you about the progress in 30’.
  • Time: June 14, 2022, 8:18 a.m.
    Status: Identified
    Update:, including license activation, is currently experiencing performance issues that may also prevent authentication on We have found the root cause and are actively working on a fix. We are expecting the issue to be fixed within the next hour. We will inform you about the progress in 30’.
  • Time: June 14, 2022, 7:45 a.m.
    Status: Investigating
    Update:, including license activation, is currently experiencing performance issues. We have found the root cause and are actively working on a fix. We are expecting the issue to be fixed within the next hour. We will inform you about the progress in 30’.

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Frequently Asked Questions - Intuiface

Is there a Intuiface outage?
The current status of Intuiface is: Systems Active
Where can I find the official status page of Intuiface?
The official status page for Intuiface is here
How can I get notified if Intuiface is down or experiencing an outage?
To get notified of any status changes to Intuiface, simply sign up to OutLogger's free monitoring service. OutLogger checks the official status of Intuiface every few minutes and will notify you of any changes. You can veiw the status of all your cloud vendors in one dashboard. Sign up here
What does Intuiface do?
Intuiface is a platform for creating interactive digital signage without coding. Utilize touch, gestures, sensors, voice, and more.