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Is there an SEKOIA.IO outage?

SEKOIA.IO status: Systems Active

Last checked: 9 minutes ago

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SEKOIA.IO outages and incidents

Outage and incident data over the last 30 days for SEKOIA.IO.

There have been 1 outages or incidents for SEKOIA.IO in the last 30 days.

Severity Breakdown:

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Components and Services Monitored for SEKOIA.IO

Outlogger tracks the status of these components for Xero:

EUR1 - XDR Active
FRA2 - XDR (SecNumCloud / PCI DSS region) Active
MCO1 - XDR Active
UAE1 - XDR Active
API consumption Active
Enrichers Active
MISP consumption Active
Search Active
TAXII consumption Active
Web application Active
Automation Active
Case management Active
Detection Active
Event storage Active
Hunting Active
Ingestion Active
Threat Intelligence for research & triage Active
Web application Active
Component Status
EUR1 - XDR Active
FRA2 - XDR (SecNumCloud / PCI DSS region) Active
MCO1 - XDR Active
UAE1 - XDR Active
API consumption Active
Enrichers Active
MISP consumption Active
Search Active
TAXII consumption Active
Web application Active
Automation Active
Case management Active
Detection Active
Event storage Active
Hunting Active
Ingestion Active
Threat Intelligence for research & triage Active
Web application Active

Latest SEKOIA.IO outages and incidents.

View the latest incidents for SEKOIA.IO and check for official updates:


  • Time: Oct. 7, 2024, 7:28 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: This incident has been resolved.
  • Time: Oct. 7, 2024, 3:55 p.m.
    Status: Monitoring
    Update: We encountered an issue with some nodes in our storage cluster which generated some delay on the events storage. We resolved the situation and the delay is currently being handled.


  • Time: Aug. 22, 2024, 9:25 a.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: Due to expired credentials, new playbooks run could not start between 18:45 CEST yesterday and 10:05 CEST today. A bug in our observability stack prevented the on-call team from being paged at the right time. During that time, existing triggers and connectors kept running without errors, but node runs were unable to start. The root cause has now been identified and resolved. Additionally, steps are being taken to enhance the observability stack to prevent future occurrences. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this incident.


  • Time: Aug. 20, 2024, 3:02 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: We are now processing playbooks in real-time. This incident has been resolved.
  • Time: Aug. 20, 2024, 1:52 p.m.
    Status: Monitoring
    Update: We are now processing playbook runs near real-time, our team is monitoring the situation
  • Time: Aug. 20, 2024, 11:56 a.m.
    Status: Identified
    Update: Our team has identified the cause of this incident and is currently implementing a fix
  • Time: Aug. 20, 2024, 11:36 a.m.
    Status: Investigating
    Update: We are currently aware of an ongoing problem impacting playbook runs on FRA1, and we are investing on the root cause.


  • Time: Aug. 5, 2024, 12:32 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: This incident has been resolved.
  • Time: Aug. 5, 2024, 11:01 a.m.
    Status: Monitoring
    Update: Nodes are back, our services have restarted and the platform is available. We are ingesting and processing events again, with some lag. We should catch up in around 20min to live events. Our team will keep monitoring this until everything is fully stable and nominal.
  • Time: Aug. 5, 2024, 9:45 a.m.
    Status: Identified
    Update: We identified that the issue is coming from our cloud provider and are waiting for an intervention on their side. The platform is currently unavailable.
  • Time: Aug. 5, 2024, 9:13 a.m.
    Status: Identified
    Update: A second node is down. We are communicating with our cloud provider to know the causes and resolve the issue. We lost multiple services and are aware of problems on the app side.
  • Time: Aug. 5, 2024, 8:55 a.m.
    Status: Identified
    Update: We have lost a node on our MCO1 platform that was running key parts of the platform. The detection is currently stopped since 10:25. We are still ingesting events, and we are taking steps to make the detection work again as soon as possible.


  • Time: Aug. 1, 2024, 3:15 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: This incident has been resolved since 00:30 this morning.
  • Time: July 31, 2024, 3:33 p.m.
    Status: Monitoring
    Update: The situation is now stable, the event backlog is being processed. We will close this incident when we are back in real-time.
  • Time: July 31, 2024, 2:37 p.m.
    Status: Identified
    Update: The issue has been identified. A misconfiguration on some storage nodes resulted in a slightly larger blast-radius than expected, resulting in instabilities. The situation is now stable and we are processing events that were enqueued during the duration of the initial issue. Our team is planning changes in order to fix the identified misconfiguration without interrupting the service.
  • Time: July 31, 2024, 2:08 p.m.
    Status: Investigating
    Update: We are currently seeing a drop in our event storage performance, our team is currently investigating the issue. Event search and alerts are unaffected, only new events are being queued and not yet available on the events page.

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Frequently Asked Questions - SEKOIA.IO

Is there a SEKOIA.IO outage?
The current status of SEKOIA.IO is: Systems Active
Where can I find the official status page of SEKOIA.IO?
The official status page for SEKOIA.IO is here
How can I get notified if SEKOIA.IO is down or experiencing an outage?
To get notified of any status changes to SEKOIA.IO, simply sign up to OutLogger's free monitoring service. OutLogger checks the official status of SEKOIA.IO every few minutes and will notify you of any changes. You can veiw the status of all your cloud vendors in one dashboard. Sign up here