Is there an Snaps outage?

Snaps status: Systems Active

Last checked: 1 month ago

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Snaps outages and incidents

Outage and incident data over the last 30 days for Snaps.

There have been 0 outages or incidents for Snaps in the last 30 days.

Severity Breakdown:

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Components and Services Monitored for Snaps

Outlogger tracks the status of these components for Xero:

Snaps Platform Active
Component Status
Snaps Platform Active

Latest Snaps outages and incidents.

View the latest incidents for Snaps and check for official updates:


  • Time: Oct. 3, 2023, 1:16 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: This incident has been resolved.
  • Time: Oct. 2, 2023, 9:15 p.m.
    Status: Monitoring
    Update: The issue appears to be resolved. Functionality was degraded from 3:33pm to 4:49pm EST. We are waiting for confirmation from Google before we consider this incident closed.
  • Time: Oct. 2, 2023, 9:03 p.m.
    Status: Investigating
    Update: Google Dialogflow is experiencing failures which are affecting Quiq. Bots that use NLU are slow to respond and may fall back to default responses. We are taking steps to reduce the impact, and monitoring the situation. We will update when more information is availble.


  • Time: June 13, 2023, 9:42 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: This incident with AWS has been resolved and everything is operational.
  • Time: June 13, 2023, 9:21 p.m.
    Status: Identified
    Update: Amazon Web Services Lambdas are not responding in Virginia regions. Bots are functional. Some Quiq features will not be available. Will impact customers with third-party CRM integrations. More updates soon.


  • Time: Oct. 3, 2022, 3:30 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: On October 3rd, 2022 from 10:06am through 11:02am Eastern time, we experienced intermittent increased latency to our Snaps' services. Snaps' bots were slow to respond and for some users became unresponsive. This was due to a background process requiring abnormally large resources. The issue was identified and has been resolved.


  • Time: June 21, 2022, 8:06 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: From 1:16PM until 3:33PM on June 21st 2022, we experienced a connectivity issue with a backend service that caused proactive notifications to fail to be picked up. All non proactive bot interactions continued to operate without disruption. Our alerting failed to recognize this scenario and we are investigating strategies to identify this issue more quickly in the future.


  • Time: April 11, 2022, 6:03 p.m.
    Status: Resolved
    Update: This incident has been resolved.
  • Time: April 11, 2022, 5:03 p.m.
    Status: Monitoring
    Update: An auto scaling configuration was changed for a new deployment we made and this caused our servers to have more than normal latency. Performance is back to normal, and we will continue to monitor the situation.
  • Time: April 11, 2022, 4:49 p.m.
    Status: Identified
    Update: We are working to resolve the issue.

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Systems Active


Systems Active


Systems Active


Systems Active

Frequently Asked Questions - Snaps

Is there a Snaps outage?
The current status of Snaps is: Systems Active
Where can I find the official status page of Snaps?
The official status page for Snaps is here
How can I get notified if Snaps is down or experiencing an outage?
To get notified of any status changes to Snaps, simply sign up to OutLogger's free monitoring service. OutLogger checks the official status of Snaps every few minutes and will notify you of any changes. You can veiw the status of all your cloud vendors in one dashboard. Sign up here
What does Snaps do?
Experience improved customer satisfaction with Quiq's advanced conversational AI platform. Request a live demo or get in touch for more information.